Look at Hardwood Floor Swatches the Right Way

We hate to say it, but the hardwood flooring industry has a serious swatch problem. Interior designers can easily carry around hundreds of fabric samples to show their clients. But physical flooring samples get unwieldy pretty fast. If you make them small enough to tote around, it’s really hard to picture how the material will look when it covers an entire floor. If you go with larger pieces of wood, each one can easily weigh in at a half a pound. It’s no wonder typical sample collections only offer a handful of choices.

Then there’s the cost. At a flooring store, you may be expected to pay for every sample you want to take home with you. Or you might be saddled with shipping and processing charges for “free” samples you order online. Sadly, many homeowners think they have to simply settle for a limited selection or shell out big bucks to look at all the options they’d really like.

At Residential Floors, we don’t think floor shopping should be that way. That’s why we feature the Design a Room app on our website (find it on our home page here). You can view literally hundreds of fine flooring samples in every imaginable wood grain and color. Every option is shown as a wall-to-wall installation in completely furnished rooms. Pick the room you want to see and choose the décor style that most closely matches your own home. Then, just start clicking to find the ideal floor. It’s like having an interior designer bring a whole truckload of sample hardwood flooring swatches right to your doorstep – only less messy!

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